There have been numerous fantastic marketing campaigns that have come to fruition in 2022. From ad campaigns that stir up emotions to email marketing campaigns that have influenced purchasing decisions.
We’ve taken the time to sift through marketing campaigns and have put together a quick list of some of the best few that we’ve encountered.

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What is a marketing campaign?
Before delving into some of the best marketing campaigns, what exactly is a marketing campaign? Simply put, a marketing campaign is activity planned by a business to achieve a marketing goal. This goal could be increasing product awareness, driving revenue and more.
Best Marketing Campaigns
Email Marketing – Kate Spade
One of the most powerful tools out there, email marketing is an inexpensive strategy that can help to grow your business. In fact, the ROI with email marketing is impressive, and it’s one of the most used marketing tools by businesses.
One of the best email marketing campaigns in 2022 was done by Kate Spade. They created an email campaign to inform subscribers of a huge discount that they were doing and also mentioned that it was only happening for a limited time to encourage urgency.

Social Media – IKEA
In this digital technological age, social media is currently all the rage. One of the best social media marketing campaigns out there is done by IKEA. Instead of sending out a 200-page IKEA catalog, IKEA decided to host its catalog on Pinterest instead.
What’s interesting is that the catalog even has a product questionnaire to help IKEA learn a user’s preference and build personalised boards. By doing so, IKEA is able to capture a new market and remain relevant in this technological age.
Mobile App Marketing – Domino’s
If done right, app marketing campaign can make a huge difference with building your audience. With mobile app marketing it isn’t just about interacting with users, but it’s also about keeping up with their expectations.
Domino’s was able to do exactly that by creating a new loyalty program called ‘points for pies’. Happening during the Super Bowl, this promotion essentially gave customers the opportunity to earn points for every pizza that they scanned – no matter where the pizza came from.
Video Campaign – Pedigree
It’s undeniable that video is one of the most popular marketing tools out there. Not only is it captivating, but it’s also shareable, can help improve SEO and also attract attention. You can also use video marketing anywhere from Facebook to Instagram and Twitter.
Pedigree created a lovely video campaign called “Brings it Back” that was essentially an animated short focusing on how dogs can help individuals suffering from depression. It was a beautifully created animated short that impacted many.
Creating your own marketing campaign
If you’re currently in the midst of creating your own marketing campaign, it’s essential that you’re creating something that is not only impactful but resonates with your target audience. It’s imperative that you’re also keeping your objective and marketing goal in mind to ensure that you’re not steering off course.
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