GetInsta is an application that offers you to get followers and likes on Instagram for free, legal and as simple as possible. It is a tool useful for anyone who wants free Instagram followers.
We live in an age where social media is a regular part of a large number of people around the world, and GetInsta knows it. Many use them as a place to express ideas, thoughts. Another to share photos of your life, your pets or friends. And others to work. Those who aspire to perhaps be influencers of a particular topic, of a particular field.
Although the vast majority like to look at the number of followers or the number of likes of their posts, for those who want to be influencers, or for brands or serious projects, numbers are necessary, since they are the only way to grow and be able to access a new world. Because as we said at the beginning, we live in a time where social networks lead everything related to marketing and advertising, and numbers are everything.
Many large brands, looking for influencers to promote themselves, always have minimum numbers that a person or smaller brand must have in order to get products, or even some type of sponsor. Today, for example, large brands such as Puma or Nike, work live with free styles known for their own popularity and, obviously, for the number of followers they have on their networks, beyond what they achieve in their battles or presentations.
And in this context it is where this app appears, totally free, available for Windows, Android and iOS. GetInsta proclaims itself as the best application to get free Instagram followers and likes. In its new version 2.0, several improvements have been made in terms of performance. In a world that constantly offers you applications to buy Instagram likes, GetInsta is the simplest way that we could see so far to get free followers on Instagram with all that this implies …

The use of the application is very simple, and it is basically based on the concept “I follow you… do you follow me?”. After registering in the application and associating our account, we will be given a couple of coins. We can use those coins to buy new followers or likes. How do we earn more coins? Easy: following other accounts and giving likes freely. The general idea of Orange view, the creators of GetInsta, is that the more users are using the program, the chain gets bigger and bigger, with more possibilities to follow or like accounts that have to do with your tastes.
It is not complex, but if you are still not familiar with this type of program, we are going to see the step by step little by little.
First of all, it’s available for Win10 / Win8 / Win7 / Vista / XP. The program is also available for iOS and Android. Once the program is installed, we will have to create an account, as in any other application or website. When we finish, we associate the Instagram accounts that we need and they will automatically give us coins to start buying followers and likes.
To get coins, and keep buying followers and likes, we will have to follow ourselves to other accounts, and give likes to other posts. The more accounts we follow and the more likes we give, the more coins we get and, obviously, the more we can spend for our benefit.

On the left, in the sidebar, we will be able to see two buttons, which show “Get Likes” and “Get Followers”. By clicking on both, the program will start to do this work for us, automatically and always limited by the amount of coins we have at our disposal. In “Task List”, we can see the progress of these tasks.
Done, that’s it. There is no trick or anything weird that we should worry about. The download is 100% virus-free, and it is obviously up to you to use it properly. The program is free, there is no type of survey or risk or anything like that that we usually come across on the web when inquiring about these issues.
All users are real and active, because they are doing the same as you. The program is in 16 different languages and, best of all, it guarantees results in 24 hours.