Keys to Writing a Doctoral Dissertation of 210-Pages in 8 Months


Finishing a dissertation, especially in this economy, is a significant achievement because students’ rate of dropping out is worrying. It is approximately 50%. A dissertation is only a report. Therefore, it does not criterion your educational capacity, but it requires your full concentration when working on it. If you are thinking «who will help me write my dissertation» now, this article is for you.

Critical points on clarifying the procedure

Put down every day 200 words.

For a student, writing 200 words should not be a problem. It should take only 20 minutes for you to complete the task. But if you find this difficult, then you should practice your writing exercise. It will boost your skills, and you’ll be able to finish the 200 pages in less than eight months or even on time.

Select a theme of your interest

Select a theme you like, and you won’t have to struggle with it for almost a year. Our supervisors say we should choose a subject on the job market, but you also have to consider your interest.

Have a cease date and work backward

You should have a specific date to work backward from. A cease date will help you concentrate more on your subject. Strategize time so that you can meet up with your committee for each chapter. It will give them enough time to revise the branches and give their response.

Maintain your routine

Have a routine and stick to it. Select a location and time that works best for you and will help you reach your goal.

When it comes to response, be mentally tough.

It’s nothing personal; remember that it is only a dissertation. The academic supervisors will tend to tear your reports into shreds. They’ll only do this so that they can bring out the best in you. Convey your goals to the council so that they may know what to expect from you.

Compose by sections

Every single day thinks of a specific section and works on it. When you do these every day and follow your routine, then in like ten days, you’ll see a lot of progress in your chapter.

Enjoy small moments

Have a positive mind every step of the way. Celebrate your small achievements, including finishing a chapter or even completing a section of your chapter. It will motivate you and help you finish your task in due time.

A doctoral paper is not an encapsulation of your life’s work. It is just an assignment.

Some supervisors may not be as friendly as they need to be, but no one outside your council will know about your doctoral paper. It means that no one will be able to criticize your work or pressurize you on your work except for the committee. Always remember that a dissertation is just a task an assignment. Nothing more or less!


The above tips will help you in your journey to attain your goal in accomplishing your task in due time. Enjoy the writing process. All your struggles and hard work will pay off once you become ABD (All but Dissertation). It is now time to move to the next level after finishing the doctoral report. Keep on perfecting your writing skills.

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Frank Malone

Frank Malone is a Digital Marketing lead generation expert and the founder of viraldigimedia and one of the fastest-growing digital marketing and link building agencies. He has over 5 years of experience helping digital marketing, seo, finance, business, marketing companies acquire more clients through quality lead generation. You can connect with him via email contact.viraldigimedia [@]