Have you ever tried to start animating without any specific planning or strategy? Yes? OH! Then it must be a disaster. Without planning or following any specific strategy you can never ever complete your animation. Whenever an animator is inspired or tempted by any idea, he or she wanted to scratch frame by frame in the form animation software or tool, he needs a proper planning to start and end his or her animation with total satisfaction. Take time to think and sport out every possible aspect to make a perfect plan to start animation on point. Mentioned below are 5 steps which can help you to improve and enhance your animation for your projects.
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5 steps for improving and enhancing your animation:
1. Know your story:
Majority of the animators most specifically the noobs, directly make the last step of the animation as the first one. Yes majority does that! And you know what? This is the biggest blunder in their animation. The very first step to start your animation is that to understand the story and the concept on which you are going to start your animation.

It’s necessary to understand the story because you have to know that where this is story taking your animation in the end, and if there are any last minute changes which you think are necessary can help you to prepare yourself to make back up plans for every possible situation. All the 3d Architectural Rendering, or editing’s which are needed can be predicted if you have understand your story completely. Write down all the things you understand just to remember them, plan the whole story or the script on which you have to work in detail so that everything is crystal clear.
2. Know you characters:
After understanding the whole story now it’s time to move on your character. Character is the power station of your animation. It is the main essence which is going to enhance and improvise your whole animation. Without proper animated characters you are never going to succeed in you animation. So for boosting up you animation you have to create a best animated character. For that you have to make sure that you have sketched your character perfectly.
Draw your character from every single angle. Don’t go with the first sketch. Sketch your character several time just to make sure that your character is going to fit in the story or not! Sketch your character in every motion whether, it is at rest, moving or happy draw it before you animate it. Sketch every detail of your character to see the different aspect of your animation through it that how much detailing you have to do on your animated character.
And if there are any objects which are inanimate like cars, tress, house etc. draw them as well, believe me later you are going to bless me for this because these small details matters a lot!
3. Plan your scenes:
Now it’s time for some action! Yes now it’s time to create a scene. So when you are animating one scene, there will be different scenes going around in a single short. Highlight the starting and ending of the scenes. After highlighting the beginning and the ending, its time to figure out the requirements needed in each of the scene, that how many of the characters are going to act in this scenes, which background is needed, music and the vocals everything needs to be settled down.
You have to create a story board in which you have to form a story board detailing scene action, effects, camera action, and the colors. You have to turn your story words in to character most specifically in a proper scene. If you create visual instruction for your own self, they will literally going to help you to form the frame work which will guide you throughout the animation process.
4. Set your timing goals:
Setting out you timing goals for your animation is pretty much important. This will help you to map out whole animation app with proper timing goal. Not just your timing but the animation timing needs to be map out properly. You won’t really like the idea if your character is not moving with the synchronization you have planned it for. Time mapping needs to be fixed in your routine and animation as well.
5. Create your whole work flow:
Until now you may probably came to the idea that how you are going to improve and enhance your animation. Now just jot down all the scenario of animation, make a decision that how you are going to manage your animation, set a deadline for your work and then start your animation.
These are the 5 major things on which you have to work out in order to improve and enhance your animation.